Computer classification based on the working method What is an analog computer? This category consists of computers that measure pressure, temperature, length, speed, etc. of the physical units. Let us understand a little more and talk about the pressure of meteorological wind, moisture, or rain in the atmosphere. Or what was the lowest or highest temperature today? Analog computer was developed to collect data of all these rain gauges (rain gauges) at a certain place. The amount of precipitation received is measured, 2 hygrometers - it measures the atmospheric humidity, anemometers - it measures the power and speed of the air, ie all-analog computers collect physical data. What is a digital computer? Digital computers are computers that you normally use at home or in offices, where data is fed in and output digitally. Most digital computers are used and marketed. Di...
Computer applications - application of computers Data processing - A computer is used to perform large and large data processing and to generate information. This makes it very easy to collect, analyze, and retrieve data. Education - The picture of modern computer education has changed. With the medium of the Internet, we can now receive information on any subject in just a few moments. Schools and colleges have also been connected to the internet and many places. However, the focus is on the intelligent class, which is only possible due to the computer Bank - The use of computers has revolutionized in the banking sector, the old books and registers have been replaced by computers. Most bank functions are performed using computers, such as withdrawing money and deposits. There are even computer-controlled machines for counting money Communication - 4G Internet is used by children today. Computer technology has made it possible to use the Internet in communications,...