Computer applications - application of computers
Education - The picture of modern computer education has changed. With the medium of the Internet, we can now receive information on any subject in just a few moments. Schools and colleges have also been connected to the internet and many places. However, the focus is on the intelligent class, which is only possible due to the computer
Bank - The use of computers has revolutionized in the banking sector, the old books and registers have been replaced by computers. Most bank functions are performed using computers, such as withdrawing money and deposits. There are even computer-controlled machines for counting money
Communication - 4G Internet is used by children today. Computer technology has made it possible to use the Internet in communications, and the Internet has triggered the communications revolution.
Recreation - The use of multimedia has made computers diverse, computers are also used to play movies, television, and video games.
Governance - Each institute has its own internal administration and management tasks, which are done by computer, as well as the advantages of state systems, since e-governance still reaches people's claws today. Was formerly
Security - Without a computer, our security system is completely weak today. Aircraft tracking and surveillance cameras are used to track aircraft
Commerce - Computers, shops, banks, insurance companies, credit companies, etc. are the most common. It has become impossible for the financial world to work without a computer
Industry - Many industrial institutes; For example, steel, chemical, oil companies, etc. depend on computers. Plants also use computers to actually control processes.
Medicine - In the field of medicine, the use of computers is used to detect various physical illnesses. The analysis and diagnosis of diseases is also possible by computer, in modern times X-ray, city scan, ultrasound, etc. in various areas. Computer is widely used
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